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Intro to SDK: Basic Requests
  • technical_consulting

SDK (Software Development Kit) is a set of tools for developing custom applications. Wialon SDK includes several APIs. The most basic of them is the Remote API, and these articles are focused on studying this exact tool. Remote API allows access to data through HTTP requests and is relevant for 1C, PHP, C++/C#, and other programming languages. JS API and others are built on top of the Remote API.

This article will cover the basic knowledge necessary for beginners to use Remote API.

You may also find the following sources useful:

  • Portal designed for developers with documentation and detailed description of each request.
  • Examples of ready-made solutions using the SDK from the Marketplace section.
  • Wialon API and SDK: how-to videos webinar series.
  • Collection of examples in the Postman application for testing API requests.
  • Custom SDK development forum section.

Viewing Requests in the Browser

When starting to explore the SDK, it is often necessary to understand which API request is being sent to the server when performing a certain action in the Wialon interface. This can be easily tracked using built-in browser tools for network request monitoring.

In Chrome browser, you can do it using the Network tab in the Developer Tools, which can be opened by pressing F12. In other browsers, this tool may open differently, as described in the browser's documentation.

When viewing network requests, you can see the sent request, its parameters, and the response from the API server in JSON format.


As an example, let's create a circle geofence. Open the Network tab and fill in the Name, Description, Type, Radius, and Coordinates fields.

After clicking the Save button, the geofence will be created and the corresponding request will immediately appear in the right panel. To get information about the request, click on it.

This panel has three convenient tabs:

  • Headers — this tab allows you to see the full URL of the request, the method used for sending (POST or GET), the status of the request execution, and other useful information.
    Among other things, you can find the name of the API request. In this case, it is resource/update_zone.

  • Payload — this tab displays the request parameters, you can read about each of them in the documentation.
    For example, the parameters that were filled when creating a geofence: where n — name, d — description, t — type (circle), w — circle radius, x and y — coordinates of the center.

  • Response — this tab displays the response from the API server in JSON format (or its code in case of an error).

Some requests are executed in batches. In this case, when viewing network requests, you need to find the core/batch request and study its parameters.

Not all functionality of the monitoring interface is based on Wialon API (an example of an exception is the Distance tool).

Request Format

HTTP requests are sent to the server in the following format:


For Wialon Hosting, this is usually hst-api.wialon.com, and for Wialon Local, it is the site of Wialon Web or CMS Manager type.


The name of the request (e. g., resource/update_zone).


The parameters for executing the request in JSON format. They are listed in the documentation, and some of them may be optional. In some cases, the system sends an empty value params={}.


A unique session identifier which is used in almost all requests. The server returns it after authorization request.

You can send requests to test the functionality of the API through the address bar in your browser. In this case, the characters must be encoded for transmission in the URL. For example, the code for the % symbol is actually %25, which can be checked using publicly available online tools. If special characters are not encoded, the server will return an error with code 4.

Obtaining a Token and Authorization

Wialon uses a token for authorization, which is a key used for encrypted user identification.

To create a token, you can use the oAuth form. After you log in successfully, the token will be displayed in the browser's address bar as the value of the access_token parameter. It is important here to consider additional parameters that regulate properties such as token duration (duration parameter), user name (user parameter), token flags (access_type parameter), and others.

Example of an extended form for obtaining a token:


Example of a response:


After obtaining the token, you can use it for authorization. Here is the example of logging in with a token:


The response to the token login contains the eid parameter, and its value is the unique session identifier. It will be used in almost all API requests.

Setting the Time Zone

By default, when working with the Remote API, data is displayed according to the GMT+0 time zone. To change it to the desired time zone, the render/set_locale request is used. It is sufficient to execute this request within one active session.

We recommend setting the time zone immediately after authorization, thus, before performing any main actions (such as requesting messages, building tracks, etc.).

When sending the render/set_locale request, you must use the tzOffset parameter. The standard method for calculating its value is described in the documentation.


As an example, let's calculate the value of the tzOffset parameter for a client in Sydney, Australia.

The necessary values for time settings (daylight saving time and time zone) can be found in the documentation. In this case, the time zone value is 36000 (in DEC format), and daylight saving time is 0x0A270000 (in HEX format).

Next, two actions need to be performed:

  1. Apply a bitwise AND operation to the time zone using the mask f000ffff (HEX).
    Since the used operation is performed for each pair of bits, the values need to be converted to the binary numeral system:

    Time zone

    00000000000000001000110010100000 (BIN)

    36000 (DEC)


    11110000000000001111111111111111 (BIN)

    f000ffff (HEX)

    Result of the operation

    00000000000000001000110010100000 (BIN)

    36000 (DEC)

    In this case, the operation did not change the value of the time zone.

  2. Apply a bitwise OR operation to the result from the previous step using the daylight saving time mask.

    Previous result

    00000000000000001000110010100000 (BIN)

    36000 (DEC)


    00001010001001110000000000000000 (BIN)

    0x0A270000 (HEX)

    Result of the operation

    00001010001001111000110010100000 (BIN)

    170364064 (DEC)

You can also find out the required value of the tzOffset parameter by viewing network requests while changing the user's time zone in the web interface.

System ID

In the API, work with almost every item is done through system IDs, which are represented by unique numerical values.

Do not confuse the system ID of a unit with its Unique ID, which is specified in the properties on the General tab.

System IDs are not displayed in web interfaces by default but they can be seen in three ways:

  1. In the response to a request for searching items by property (core/search_items). We will explain it in more detail in the next section of this article.
  2. In the parameters of requests when viewing network requests in the browser.
  3. In the avl_id column in the management system.

    To make the avl_id column shown, you need to log in to the CMS and add ?features=avl_id to the end of the link. An example of such a link is shown in the image below.

Search Items by Property

This request allows you to find items by certain properties.

The search is performed for the following types of items, which are specified in the itemsType field:

  • avl_hw — hardware type;
  • avl_resource — resource;
  • avl_retranslator — retranslator;
  • avl_unit — unit;
  • avl_unit_group — unit group;
  • user — user;
  • avl_route — route.

One of the possible search properties can be subitems. In this case, the propType parameter is set to propitemname, and the propName parameter takes the following values:

  • units:
    • unit_sensors — sensors;
    • unit_commands — commands;
    • service_intervals — service intervals;

  • resources:
    • drivers — drivers;
    • driver_groups — driver groups;
    • jobs — jobs;
    • notifications — notifications;
    • trailers — trailers;
    • trailer_groups — trailer groups;
    • zones_library — geofences;
    • reporttemplates — report templates;
    • orders — orders;

  • routes:
    • rounds — rounds;
    • route_schedules — schedules;

  • retranslators:
    • retranslator_units — retranslator units;

  • units, users, or resources:
    • custom_fields — custom fields;
    • admin_fields — administrative fields.

System IDs of items have unique numeric values and are assigned by the server.

System IDs of subitems are numbered in the order of creation and start from 1.

If several subitems were previously created (e. g., with system IDs 1, 2, and 3), and then one of them was deleted (assuming subitems with IDs 1 and 3 were left), then the next created subitem will get the smallest free ID (in this example, it is ID 2).

The search request cannot display data for a specific subitem. The response to the search request contains information about the items themselves (device type, resource, retranslator, unit, unit group, user, and route). In other words, subitems are the properties for the search.

For example, you can search Engine sensor by its name but the response to the request will return not only information about the sensors, but specifically about the units where a sensor with the required name is created.

The information in the response depends on the flags specified in the search request in the flags parameter. Flags are specified in DEC format.

Flags can be added up together to get multiple types of data simultaneously, rather than performing multiple separate requests.

For example, if you need to display the general properties of a unit (“flag":1), the commands created in it ("flag":524288), and its last position ("flag":4194304), it is enough to search for units with the “flag":4718593 flag, since 1 + 524288 + 4194304 = 4718593.

Let's consider several examples of using the request for searching items by property (other examples can be found in the documentation).

Search Items by a Specific Name

In case you need to get a list of all units available to the user with the word Tractor in their name, as well as information about the sensors created in these units, you can use the following request:

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed on units.

If the value is left empty ("itemsType":""), the search will be performed on all types of items.


The search will be performed on the name of the item.


The response will display a list of units containing the word Tractor in their names with any number of characters before and after it.

If the value for this parameter is set to *, then the response to the request will include items with any name value, i.e., all items available to the user.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the item.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will include information about the general properties, as the names of the units and the created sensors are required.

1 + 4096 = 4097


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

			"nm":"Tractor 1",
					"t":"engine operation",
					"n":"Fuel level",
					"t":"fuel level",

Search Users Created after a Specific Date

Imagine you need to get a list of users created after February 23, 2021, 05:41:46 (GMT+0). The response should contain user's system IDs and email addresses.

In such a case use the following request:

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed on users.


The search will be performed on the creation date.


The response will display a list of items with the creation time greater than or equal to February 23, 2021, 05:41:46 (GMT+0).

Requests use Unix time. You can use publicly available online tools to convert date and time to Unix time.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the item.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will include information about the general properties to get the system IDs of the users and the custom properties to get the email addresses of the users.

1 + 2 = 3


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

Search Units of a Specific Type

Let’s get a list of units with the Wialon Retranslator hardware type that have sent messages after February 12, 2023, 12:00:00 (GMT+0). The response must display information about the sensors on the units, the last message date, and the position. In this case, use the following request:

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed on units.


The search will be performed on the hardware type and last message date.


The response will display a list of items with the Wialon Retranslator hardware type that have sent messages after February 12, 2023, 12:00:00 (GMT+0).


The sorting will be performed based on the creation date of the items.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will include information about the general properties of the units.


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

Search Units by Sensor Name

To get a list of units that have a sensor named Engine created, you can use the following request:

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed on units.


The search will be performed on the subitem name.


The search will be performed on the sensor name.


The response will display a list of units that have a sensor named Engine in their properties.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the items.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will include information about the general properties of the units.


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

Search Unit Groups by Multiple Properties

To get a list of unit groups created by User and containing more than 5 units, the following request can be used:

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed on unit groups.


The search will be performed on the creator name and the number of items in the group.


The response will display a list of unit groups created by User and containing more than 5 units.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the units.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will include information about the general properties, billing properties, and administrative fields.

1 + 4 + 128 = 133


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

List of Common Errors

An error is displayed when it is not possible to execute a request. A complete list of returned errors can be found in the documentation.

The most common errors are the following:

  • {error: 1} — invalid session.
    This error is displayed when the unique session identifier has expired. To fix this error, simply log in with the token again and use the new session identifier (sid) for further requests.

    If within 5 minutes no request is made within the session, then it becomes inactive. To keep the session active, you can send an avl_evts request every 5 minutes.

  • {error: 4} — invalid input.
    This error is displayed if there is a mistake in the request text, for example, not all required parameters are specified, text parameters are not enclosed in quotes, there is no opening or closing bracket, etc. To fix this error, correct the text of the executed request according to its description in the documentation.

  • {error: 7} — access denied.
    This error is displayed if the user does not have sufficient access flags to execute the request. To fix this error, check if the token used to obtain the unique session identifier has sufficient access flags, as well as if the user the token was generated for has sufficient access rights regarding the used items.

Ekaterina Grib,Customer Service Engineer

Intro to SDK: Creation of Accounts and Units
  • technical_consulting

In this article, we will cover the creation of accounts and units using the Remote API. These objects are essential when working with Wialon, and their creation requires a chain of mandatory actions.

You may also find the following sources useful:

  • The article Intro to SDK: Basic Requests.
  • Portal designed for developers with documentation and detailed description of each request.
  • Examples of ready-made solutions using the SDK from the Marketplace section.
  • Wialon API and SDK: how-to videos webinar series.
  • Collection of examples in the Postman application for testing API requests.
  • Custom SDK development forum section.

Creating an Account

Before performing this action, it is necessary to remember two important terms:

  • Creator — this is the user of the system on whose behalf this object was created.
  • Account — this is a macro-object of the system, which represents the unity of a resource, a user, and a billing plan.

Based on this, to create an account, you need to:

  1. Find a suitable billing plan.
  2. Find the system ID of the user-creator which will relate to the future account creator.
  3. Create a new user on behalf of the found user-creator.
  4. Create a resource on behalf of the new user.
  5. Merge the new user, resource, and billing plan into an account.

Let's consider the requests that will be needed at each of these steps, using the following example: it is necessary to create an account with the name sdk_account, which will be located under the account of the user manager in the service hierarchy.

1. Searching a Billing Plan

Use the request core/get_account_data.


Unlike other objects, a billing plan does not have a system ID. If it is necessary to refer to it, use its name as the unique parameter.

The names of assigned billing plans will be displayed in the response to the request in the subPlans parameter. Let's assume that we will use a billing plan with the name standard_client.

If no billing plans are displayed in the response, it is necessary to check if the account has dealer rights and if billing plans are assigned to it.

2. Searching the System ID of the User-creator

Use the request core/search_items.


Parameter and its value



The search will be performed on users.


The search will be performed on the name of the item.


The response will display the user whose name exactly matches the expression manager.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the item.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will only contain information about the general properties.


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

The system ID of the user-creator will be displayed in the response to the request in the id parameter. Let's assume it has a value of 11111.

3. Creating a New User

Use the request core/create_user.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The new user will be created by the user with the system ID 11111.


The new user will have the name sdk_account.


The new user will have the password Pa$$w0rd.

In accordance with the security requirements, the password must contain special characters, and they must be encoded for transmission in the URL.


Only the general properties of the new user will be displayed in the response.

The system ID of the new user will be displayed in the response to this request under the id parameter. Let's assume it has a value of 22222.

4. Creating a Resource

Use the request core/create_resource.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The new resource will be created by the user with the system ID 22222.


The new resource will have the name sdk_account.


Only the general properties of the new resource will be displayed in the response.


Check if the user is currently the creator of any system items.

The system ID of the new resource will be displayed in the response to this request under the id parameter. Let's assume it has a value of 33333.

5. Account Merging

Use the request account/create_account.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The new account will contain the resource with the system ID 33333.


The new account will use the standard_client billing plan.

Above, we considered only the minimum necessary steps for the creation of an account in the system. To perform other settings, additional requests from the list in the documentation should be used.

Creating a Unit

To create a unit using the Remote API, you need to:

  1. Find the system ID of the hardware type.
  2. Find the system ID of the user-creator, in whose account the future unit will be located.
  3. Create a unit.
  4. Assign a unique ID to the unit.

Let's consider the necessary requests using the following example: it is necessary to create a unit Delivery truck with the hardware type Wialon IPS and a unique ID 12345 in the account of the user sdk_account.

1. Searching the System ID of the Hardware Type

Use the request core/get_hw_types.

Parameter and its valueDescription

Filtering will be done by the name of the hardware type.


The search will be performed by the expression Wialon IPS.


The response will not show any additional information about the hardware type.


Renaming of the hardware types will be ignored in the response.

The system ID of the hardware type will be displayed in the response to the request in the id parameter. Let's assume it has a value of 44444.

The system ID of one hardware type may vary for different Wialon Hosting and Wialon Local services.

2. Searching the System ID of the User-creator

Use the request core/search_items.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed on users.


The search will be performed on the name of the item.


The response will display the user whose name exactly matches the expression sdk_account.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the item.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will only contain information about the general properties.


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

The system ID of the user-creator will be displayed in the response to the request in the id parameter. Let's assume it has a value of 22222.

3. Creating a Unit

Use the request core/create_unit.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The user-creator of the new unit will have the system ID 22222.


The new unit will have the name Delivery truck.


The system ID of the hardware type for the new unit will have a value of 44444.


Only the general properties of the new unit will be displayed in the response.

The system ID of the unit will be displayed in the response to the request in the id parameter. Let's assume it has a value of 55555.

4. Assigning a Unique ID

Use the request unit/update_device_type.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The settings will be changed for the unit with the system ID 55555.


The system ID of the hardware type will have a value of 44444.

Using this parameter, you can change the hardware type of the unit.


The unique ID of the unit will have a value of 12345.

Above, we considered only the minimum necessary steps for the creation of a unit in the system. To perform other settings, additional requests from the list in the documentation should be used.

Ekaterina Grib,Customer Service Engineer

Intro to SDK: Reports Execution
  • technical_consulting

In this article, we will cover working with report templates using the Remote API. Executing reports through the SDK implies a sequence of mandatory actions that are not visible when working in the web interface. To complete the picture, examples of working with reports with and without grouping will be given.

You may also find the following sources useful:

  • The article Intro to SDK: Basic Requests.
  • Portal designed for developers with documentation and detailed description of each request.
  • Code samples for working with reports.
  • Examples of ready-made solutions using the SDK from the Marketplace section.
  • Wialon API and SDK: how-to videos webinar series.
  • Collection of examples in the Postman application for testing API requests.
  • Custom SDK development forum section.

Creating Reports

In most cases, users create report templates in the web interface and then execute them using API requests. We will be considering such cases later in this article.

However, you can create a report template through the SDK by using the request report/update_report.

Sequence of Actions

To obtain report results using the Remote API, several consecutive requests need to be sent. The use of some of them depends on the presence of grouping in the report and the amount of analyzed data. Here is the general list of actions:

  1. Authorization through the request token/login and setting localization through the request render/set_locale.

  2. Obtaining the necessary system IDs for:
    • the object the report needs to be executed for;

      Since reports can be executed for drivers, trailers, passengers, geozones, and their groups, in some cases it will also be necessary to obtain system IDs for these subitems.

    • the resource that contains the report template;
    • the report template itself.

  3. Executing the report through the request report/exec_report.

    In general, we recommend executing the report in the background mode on the server. Despite the increase in the number of steps, this can be useful if the report takes a long time to execute due to a large number of objects, report execution interval, number of tables and charts, etc. Later in this article, we will specifically consider executing the report in the background mode.

    If the report is not executed in the background mode on the server, then the response to this request will be similar to the response from step 5, so you can proceed directly to step 6.

  4. Checking the report execution status through the request report/get_report_status.
    After confirming the report is ready, you can proceed with following the instructions.

  5. Obtaining the report result through the request report/apply_report_result.
    The result of this request will provide the number of rows, columns, and levels of nesting if grouping is used.

  6. Getting the table rows through the request report/get_result_rows for a report without grouping or through the request report/select_result_rows for a report with grouping.
    The selection of the table, nesting levels, and displayed rows is based on the data from the previous response.

  7. Exporting to a file through the request report/export_result.
    This step is optional but quite simple and useful, so we will also consider it.

  8. Deleting the result of the previous report through the request report/cleanup_result.
    This step is mandatory if multiple reports must be executed in one session.

The following requests cannot be executed simultaneously:

  • report/exec_report
  • report/export_result
  • report/get_result_chart
  • report/get_result_map
  • report/get_result_chart
  • resource/get_driver_bindings
  • resource/get_trailer_bindings
  • resource/get_tag_bindings
  • exchange/import_zones_save
  • exchange/import_json
  • exchange/import_messages
  • exchange/import_pois_read
  • exchange/import_zones_read
  • unit/get_trips
  • render/create_messages_layer
  • messages/load_interval
  • exchange/export_zones
  • exchange/export_json
  • exchange/export_messages
  • exchange/export_pois
  • account/get_account_history

Next, we will consider two examples of working with reports (without grouping and with grouping).

Working with a Report without Grouping

Let’s imagine, it we need to obtain the results of the the report List of trips, available to the user authorized by a token, for the unit Truck 0769 (system ID 55555) for the time interval from 2023 June 30 20:00 to 2023 July 01 03:59 (GMT+0) and export it to a PDF file using API requests.

In the web interface, the result looks as follows:

1. Authorization and Localization

Use the request token/login.


Authorization details are described in one of the previous articles.

Localization settings include setting the time zone (which has also been discussed earlier), date format, and other parameters.

If the time zone setting is done within the session, then when executing the report, the time is set in GMT+0.

Use the request render/set_locale.

Parameter and its valueDescription

GMT+0 time zone will be applied (without daylight saving time).


English language will be used.


Date format will be yyyy-MM-dd and time format will be HH:mm:ss.

If localization settings aren't done, this can lead to different results when executing the report through Remote API and the web interface.

2. Obtaining System IDs

In one of the previous articles, we have already described how to search items by property, so now we will focus only on searching a resource and report template.

Let’s get a list of all resources that have a report template named List of trips available to the user authorized by a token. Use the request core/search_items:

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed for resources.


The search will be performed based on the subitem name.


The search will be performed based on the report template name.


The response will display a list of resources that have a report template named List of trips.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the item.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will contain information about the general properties and created report templates.

1 + 8192 = 8193


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

		"propValueMask":"List of trips",
					"n":"List of trips",
					"n":"Grouped trips",

Pay attention to the following parameters in the response:

  • nm — resource name;
  • rep — an array of report templates created in the resource;

    If this parameter is displayed as empty, it means that there are no report templates created in the resource.

  • n — subitem name;
  • id — system ID.

In this case, the user has access to the sdk_account resource with system ID 12345678, which contains the report template List of trips with system ID 1.

3. Executing the Report

Use the request report/exec_report.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The report template will be selected from the resource with system ID 12345678.


The report template with system ID 1 will be executed.


The report will be executed for the object with system ID 55555.


The report will not be executed for a subitem.


The report will be executed for the specified interval.


The interval will start on 2023 June 30 at 20:00 (GMT+0).

Requests use Unix time. You can use publicly available online tools to convert date and time to Unix time.


The interval will end on 2023 July 1 at 03:59 (GMT+0).


The report will be executed in the background on the server.


4. Checking the Execution Status

Since the report is being executed in the background on the server, we will check its execution status using the request report/get_report_status.


A status code 4 means that the report has been executed successfully. The interpretation of other values can be found on the page with a request description.

5. Obtaining the Report Result

Use the request report/apply_report_result.


Three key parameters from the response that are important for us here are as follows:

  • tables — shows the number of tables in the report as an array. In this case, only one table (Trips) is mentioned, therefore its index will be 0.
  • rows — the number of rows in the table, which is 4 in this case. Therefore, their indexes range from 0 to 3.
  • level — the number of levels of nesting, which is 1 in this case, as there is no grouping in the report.

Indexes of tables, rows, columns, and nesting levels are counted from 0. This should be taken into account when referring to them.

Other parameters from the response can also be briefly listed. The columns parameter indicates the number of columns, and their names are described in the header parameter. A value of 0 for the msgsRendered parameter indicates that the report template doesn't display tracks on the map. Empty stats and attachments parameters indicate that there are no Statistics nor attachments (e.g., charts) in the report template.

6. Getting Table Rows

Knowing the index of the table content, let's display it using the request report/get_result_rows.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The content of the table with index 0 will be displayed.


The first displayed row will have index 0.


The last displayed row will have index 3.

				"t":"2023-06-30 20:00:20",
				"t":"2023-06-30 22:54:38",
			"469.54 km"
				"t":"2023-06-30 22:59:41",
				"t":"2023-07-01 03:01:30",
			"343.84 km"
				"t":"2023-07-01 03:07:14",
				"t":"2023-05-01 09:23:10",
			"1.39 km"
				"t":"2023-07-01 03:32:45",
				"t":"2023-07-01 03:59:35",
			"57.84 km"

7. Export to File

Let’s export the result to a PDF file using the request report/export_result.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The report result will be exported in PDF format.


The exported file will not be compressed (added to an archive).


The exported file will have the name List of trips.

There is no response displayed for this API request, instead, the file download starts automatically.

8. Deleting the Result of the Previous Report

Use the request report/cleanup_result.


A zero value indicates successful deletion.

Working with a Report with Grouping

Now we need to obtain the results of the report Grouped trips, available to the user authorized by a token, for the unit Truck 0769 (system ID 55555) for the time interval from 2023 June 30 20:00 to 2023 July 01 03:59 (GMT+0) and export it to a PDF file using API requests.

In the web interface, the result looks as follows:

Based on the result in the web interface, you can see that the Trips table has grouping by months and dates, meaning the report has 3 levels of nesting:

  • The first level contains rows with months.
    The second level contains rows with dates within the month.
  • The third level contains rows with trips within the date.

1. Authorization and Localization

Use the request token/login.


Authorization details are described in one of the previous articles.

Localization settings include setting the time zone (which has also been discussed earlier), date format, and other parameters.

If the time zone setting is done within the session, then when executing the report, the time is set in GMT+0.

Use the request render/set_locale.

Parameter and its valueDescription

GMT+0 time zone will be applied (without daylight saving time).


English language will be used.


Date format will be yyyy-MM-dd and time format will be HH:mm:ss.

If localization settings aren't done, this can lead to different results when executing the report through Remote API and the web interface.

2. Obtaining System IDs

In one of the previous articles, we have already described how to search items by property, so now we will focus only on searching a resource and report template.

Let’s get a list of all resources that have a report template named Grouped trips available to the user authorized by a token. Use the request core/search_items:

Parameter and its valueDescription

The search will be performed on resources.


The search will be performed based on the subitem name.


The search will be performed based on the report template name.


The response will display a list of resources where a report template named Grouped trips is created.


The sorting will be performed based on the name of the item.


Previous search results will not be taken into account.


The response will contain information about the general properties and created report templates.

1 + 8192 = 8193


There will be no restrictions on the number of found items.

		"propValueMask":"Grouped trips",
					"n":"List of trips",
					"n":"Grouped trips",

Pay attention to the following parameters from the response:

  • nm — resource name;
  • rep — an array of report templates created in the resource;

    If this parameter is displayed as empty, it means that no report templates are created in the resource.

  • n — subitem name;
  • id — system ID.

In this case, the user has access to the sdk_account resource with system ID 12345678, which contains the report template Grouped trips with system ID 2.

3. Executing the Report

Use the request report/exec_report.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The report template will be selected from the resource with system ID 12345678.


The report template with system ID 2 will be executed.


The report will be executed for the object with system ID 55555.


The report will not be executed for a subitem.


The report will be executed for the specified interval.


The interval will start on 2023 June 30 at 20:00 (GMT+0).

Requests use Unix time. You can use publicly available online tools to convert date and time to Unix time.


The interval will end on 2023 July 1 at 03:59 (GMT+0).


The report will be executed in the background on the server.


4. Checking the Execution Status

Since the report is being executed in the background on the server, let’s check the status of its execution using the request report/get_report_status.


Status code 4 indicates that the report has been executed successfully. The interpretation of other values can be found on the page with a request description.

5. Obtaining the Report Result

Use the request report/apply_report_result.


Three key parameters from the response that are important for us here are as follows:

  • tables — shows the number of tables in the report as an array. In this case, only one table (Trips) is mentioned, therefore its index will be 0.
  • rows — the number of rows in the table, which is 2 in this case. Therefore, their indexes range from 0 to 1. This refers only to the rows at the top level of nesting, there may be more inside.
  • level — the number of levels of nesting, which is 3 in this case, as there is grouping in the report. Therefore, there are levels with indexes from 0 to 2 in the table.

Indexes of tables, rows, columns, and nesting levels are counted from 0. This should be taken into account when referring to them.

Other parameters from the response can also be briefly listed. The columns parameter indicates the number of columns, and their names are described in the header parameter. A value of 0 for the msgsRendered parameter indicates that the report template doesn't display tracks on the map. Empty stats and attachments parameters indicate that there are no Statistics nor attachments (e.g., charts) in the report template.

6. Selecting Rows in a Multi-Level Table

Knowing the index of the table content, let’s display it using the request report/select_result_rows.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The content of the table with index 0 will be displayed.


A sequence of rows will be requested.


The first displayed row will have index 0.


The last displayed row will have index 1.


The result will display nesting levels up to index 2.

			"576.60 km"
					"576.60 km"
							"2023-06-30 20:00:20",
							"469.54 km"
							"2023-06-30 22:59:41",
							"107.06 km"
				"294.55 km"
					"294.55 km"
							"2023-07-01 00:00:05",
							"235.31 km"
							"2023-07-01 03:07:14",
							"1.39 km"
							"2023-07-01 03:32:45",
							"57.84 km"

7. Export to File

Let’s export the result to a PDF file using the request report/export_result.

Parameter and its valueDescription

The report result will be exported in PDF format.


The exported file will not be compressed (added to an archive).


The exported file will have the name Grouped trips.

There is no response displayed for this API request, instead, the file download starts automatically.

8. Deleting the Result of the Previous Report

Use the request report/cleanup_result.


A zero value indicates successful deletion.

Peculiarities of Obtaining Results

Obtaining data from tables can be performed using the requests report/get_result_rows or report/select_result_rows, which use the parameter tableIndex to access a table with a specific index. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that when executing a report for different intervals, the index of the same table may change due to the presence or absence of other tables.

To better understand the situation, let's consider an example. Let’s suppose the report template includes tables for Trips, Fuel Fillings, and Geofences. When executing the report for the interval from July 1st to 3rd, the result will contain all tables, and therefore their indexes will have the following values:

0 — Trips
1 — Fuel Drains
2 — Geofences

At the same time, when executing the report for the interval from July 4th to 6th, the indexes of some tables will change due to the absence of registered fuel fillings and will take other values:

0 — Trips
1 — Geofences

In this example, it is clear that when executing the report for different intervals, the index of the Geofences table changes. Therefore, accessing the table with index 2 will not always display information about visiting geofences. To fix such situations, it is recommended to apply additional checks, for example, based on the table name or the names of its columns.

When using a report for a group of units, additional checks can be avoided by disabling the Skip empty rows option in the report template settings. In this case, the tables will be displayed even if they have no data and will contain empty rows.

Ekaterina Grib,Customer Service Engineer

Intro to SDK: FAQ
  • technical_consulting

This article contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Remote API.

You may also find the following sources useful:

  • The article Intro to SDK: Basic Requests.
  • The article Intro to SDK: Creation of Accounts and Units.
  • The article Intro to SDK: Reports Execution.
  • Portal designed for developers with documentation and detailed description of each request.
  • Code samples for working with reports.
  • Examples of ready-made solutions using the SDK from the Marketplace section.
  • Wialon API and SDK: how-to videos webinar series.
  • Collection of examples in the Postman application for testing API requests.
  • Custom SDK development forum section.

Are there any limitations on API usage?

Global limitations are described in the documentation. Typically, reaching these limitations indicates that the developed application is not optimized for working with the API. For example, it makes multiple authorization requests instead of maintaining one active session.

There are also limitations on some requests, which are mentioned in the request description in the documentation. For example, only one report can be executed during a session at a time. If the session contains the results of the previous report execution, they should be deleted using the request report/cleanup_result before executing the next report. Additionally, the request to execute reports cannot be performed simultaneously with some other requests.

Is it possible to organize real-time data transfer from Wialon using the API?

No. API requests work on the request-response method. This means that data on the receiving side will not be updated without sending a request.

If it is necessary to receive data from hardware as soon as new messages arrive, retranslators can be used.

How to create a locator using the API?

Let's consider an example: it is necessary to create a locator with infinite lifespan, which will display units with system IDs 11111111 and 22222222, as well as geofences from a resource with system ID 12345678, but will not display units’ tracks.

To do this, you need to use the request token/update:


Parameter and its value


The action chosen is creation (editing and deletion are also available).


The value locator is necessary for display in the list of links in the web interface.


Token activation time in UNIX-time is set to 0, which means the locator will start working immediately after creation.


Token lifespan after activation is set to 0, which means its lifespan will be infinite.


This access flag value will only allow tracking units in online mode.


The word Bus will be used as a note to distinguish this locator from others in the general list. The locator will display geofences but will not display units’ tracks.


The locator will display units with system IDs 11111111 and 22222222, as well as geofences from a resource with system ID 12345678.

The response to the request will include the parameter h containing the token value. To obtain the desired link, the token value should be inserted into the following link: https://hosting.wialon.com/locator/index.html?t=TOKEN_VALUE

How to obtain a token with maximum access and infinite lifespan?

If token creation is done through an extended form, it is necessary to use the parameters access_type=-1 and duration=0. For example:


If token creation is done through the request token/update, it is necessary to use the parameters fl=-1 and dur=0. For example:

{"callMode":"create","app":"Wialon Hosting","at":0,"dur":0,"fl":-1,"p":"{}"}&sid=SESSION_IDENTIFIER

The token is automatically deleted if it is not used within 100 days, even if its lifespan is unlimited (parameter duration or dur equals 0).

Why can an error with code 1 be returned when using an unlimited token?

An error with code 1 indicates that the current session is invalid. The token's lifespan is not directly related to the session.

To fix the situation, it is necessary to perform authorization again. The response to the token login contains the parameter eid, and its value is the unique session identifier. It will be used in almost all API requests.

If no requests are made within 5 minutes of the session, it becomes inactive. To maintain the session, you can send the request avl_evts every 5 minutes.

How to fix an error with code 4?

An error with code 4 corresponds to invalid input, which can mean:

  • incorrect data type (numeric, text, etc.);

  • incorrect parameter names;
  • incorrect separators (commas, quotes, spaces, brackets, etc.);
  • absence of encoding for transmission in the URL.

Let's consider an example of a request with all the mentioned errors:

https://hst-api.wialon.com/wialon/ajax.html?svc=report/export_result¶ms={"format":"2";"compres":0;"outputFileName":"List of trips"}&sid=SESSION_IDENTIFIER

In this example, the following errors were made:

  1. The parameter format should contain a number, but since its value is enclosed in quotes, it is interpreted as text.
  2. Instead of the parameter with the name compress, a parameter with the name compres was used.
  3. A semicolon was used instead of a comma to separate the parameters.
  4. The space character was not encoded for transmission in the URL.

To check the encoding in the URL, you can use publicly available online tools.

The correct request will look like this:


Why does an error with code 7 occur when using unique unit IDs?

API requests use internal system IDs of items, not unique unit IDs from the General tab. By default, these IDs are not displayed in web interfaces.

You can use the search items by property request (core/search_items) to obtain the system IDs of items. The desired value will be found in the parameter id of the response to this request.

Other methods of displaying system IDs are described in the article Intro to SDK: Basic Requests.

Why is access to the unit restricted even though the user has full access rights?

The problem is likely due to insufficient rights of the token being used.

To check the rights of the token, perform the token login:


The response will contain the parameter fl, which displays the current rights of the token. To change them, edit the current token or create a new one.

To provide different rights, the flags need to be summed together.

For example, if you need to provide the right to online tracking ("fl":256) and view access to most data ("fl":512), you should use the value "fl":768, since 256 + 512 = 768.

How to get the last coordinates of units?

To obtain the last coordinates of multiple units, you can use the search items by property request (core/search_items). In this case, you need to specify access flags according to which the response will display unit names ("flag":1") and information about the last position of units ("flag":1024). Flags can be summed together, so the request will use the value 1 + 1024 = 1025.


How to get a list of all units available to the user?

To display all units available to the user, you can use the search items by property request (core/search_items) with the value "propValueMask":"*".


The response will return a list of units that are accessible to the user whose session identifier was used in the request.

How to get the names of groups to which a certain unit is added?

To get the names of groups that include a unit with the system ID 11112222, you need to use the search items by property request (core/search_items) with the values "itemsType":"avl_unit_group", "propName":"sys_units", and "propType":"list".


How to get the names of units from a certain group?

To get the names of units that are included in a group named Group, you need to use two search items by property requests (core/search_items): the first one will search for the unit group (avl_unit_group), and the second one will search for the unit (avl_unit).

  1. First, you need to get a list of system IDs of units that belong to the group (specify its name in the parameter propValueMask):

  2. In the response to the previous request, you need to find the parameter u with the system IDs of units. You should substitute them in the parameter propValueMask for the next search request:


    The names of units will be displayed in the parameters nm.

Why do the results of the report differ between the interface and the response to the API request?

When executing reports through API requests, it is important not to forget to set the time zone for the current session. To do this, immediately after authorization, you should apply the user's localization settings once.

When working with reports through the API, you need to consider the peculiarities of obtaining results by table index.

Ekaterina Grib,Customer Service Engineer

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